
This is one of the best times in the history to be a video game fan. The years are packed with games of increasingly greater quality, so many that most gamers bemoan their intimidating backlog of unfinished business. Mercifully, there is always a time in the year, usually around mid-summer, that the torrent of new releases lets up and gives us an opportunity to revisit our pile of shame.

Join Ben Reeves, Ben Hanson, and I (your host Tim Turi) as we discuss the myriad games we've been playing to fill the gap in hot new releases. The discussion packs variety in spades, from legendary 16-bit RPGs to MMOs that would be unfathomable time sinks during any other time in the year.

If you liked the intro and outro music in this week's episode, be sure to head over the Super Marcato Bros.' website to check out their video game music podcast and original albums.

Listen to the podcast below, or subscribe on iTunes, and let us know what you're playing to pass the time in the comments below.