
Funcom's Ragnar Tørnquist joins Respec Radio host Adam Biessener for a discussion on his soon-to-be-live MMORPG.

The Secret World puts players into one of three secret societies warring over control of hidden magical energy in our modern world. Tørnquist and his team are trying to build an honest-to-goodness story around the struggle -- except that they're not casting the player as the hero, just another warrior in the battle for mankind's future. Tørnquist doesn't channel his rage on the mic like our own Andy McNamara can, but did you really expect a Norwegian to compete with our editor-in-chief on that front?

The Secret World launches on PC on July 3, but you can start playing the head start right now with a pre-order from the retailer of your choice (may we suggest our parent company?).

Special thanks to Tørnquist for joining us on the podcast, and to Funcom for supplying the (awesome) main theme from the game for bumper music.

Check back for a much more detailed critical writeup of The Secret World in an upcoming issue of Game Informer. Also, swing by the Respec Radio hub for more MMO podcastery than anyone really needs, and subscribe to our RSS feed or on iTunes to get new episodes as soon as they're fired out over the Internet.
