
The first Borderlands game has been rated for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, thanks to a listing from the ever-talkative Korean Ratings Board.

The game, which was originally released in 2009, appears to be the Game of the Year variant, which includes all of Borderlands' DLC. Borderlands has since spawned a series of one sequel, a pre-sequel, and a Telltale sidestory, with a third game openly talked about but still unrevealed.

Borderlands 2 and its prequel, the Pre-Sequel, are both already available on modern systems in what's called The Handsome Jack Collection, but Borderlands 1 has never been ported. If Borderlands 3 is imminent, it probably makes sense to just complete the loop and bring the first title over.


Our Take
There's a contingent of people that definitely prefers the first game to the sequels, so hopefully they clean the look up a bit for a remaster and get it looking nice.