
If there's one thing Fortnite isn't lacking right now, it's mainstream buzz. The insanely popular battle royale game is on the tips of so many celebrity tongues (and shoes) it feels omnipresent in pop culture right now. Epic Games clearly plans to do as much with the zeitgeist as it can. 

Today the company announced a "Party Royale" that will take place in Los Angeles during E3. The centerpiece of the event is a grand tournament pitting entertainers, athletes, and Fortnite pros against each other. Given the fantastic relationship the game has with people like Drake, Lil Yachty, Terrell Owens, JJ Watt, and even Roseanne Barr, we don't expect them to have too hard a time filling out each team's lineup with star talent. 

In addition, Epic says it will share details on the first season of competitive play in the coming weeks.


Our Take
Given the hot and cold nature of battle royale games, which seemingly has a new king of the kill every six or seven months, you can't blame Epic Games for leaning hard into Fortnite. We haven't seen a game blow up this big since Pokemon Go, so they are wise to do everything they can to keep the game growing while it's in the spotlight.