
Microsoft is prepping a new achievement system called "Careers" to sit alongside the current system, according to a report by Windows Central.

The new system is to compensate for how achievements emphasize playing a wide breadth of games versus players who want to play one game for a long period of time. Careers are designed to give you goals to hit in the game you're playing instead of getting your 1000 points and moving on.

Microsoft hasn't confirmed the plan, but Windows Central reports that they are actively committing resources to it. The new system should take the form of a level-based progression system, similar to the PlayStation trophy system, and give avatar loot crates away as rewards for doing well.

[Source: Windows Central]


Our Take
Microsoft really likes the idea of living games that players engage with every day, so this idea makes a lot of sense. Hopefully it's well thought-out if and when it does happen.