gamer culture

Fans of sexy androids, surprisingly deep meditations on AI consciousness, and adorable killer robots know that Nier: Automata is a special game and now fans can celebrate their love for Platinum Games wacky brainchild with some new figures. According to a post on Toyark, Square-Enix has announced two upcoming Nier: Automata Bring Arts Figures sets, which are due out in spring.

There are two sets that fans can get their hands on next year: the 2B and Machine Set, which includes main character 2B as well as one of the machine life form enemies from the game, and the Machine Life Forms 2-Figure Set, which includes two of the trash can-shaped machine life forms. The 2B and Machine Set will come with interchangeable portraits and hands for the heroic android, while the machine life form has a removable head (that 2B can wear, of course) and a bucket. The set will release in March for around $80. The Machine Life Forms 2-Figure Set comes with a variety of different weapons, arms, and legs for the garbage can-shaped machines and will release in April for around $50. You can find some images of the figures below.

The figures are all pretty detailed and, while they aren't the sequel that Square Enix seems intent on producing, they'll hopefully give fans something to get excited about next year.

[Source: Toyark]