gamescom 2017


Microsoft announced this week that they would be the publisher for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the mega-popular PC Battle Royale shooter, when it arrives on the Xbox One later this year. However, the wording seemed confusing to many, and players looking for clarification from developer Bluehole on Twitter were met with some muddy wording.

Similar to the hemming and hawing over 2015's Rise of The Tomb Raider, the inability to get a straight answer over whether the game is a full exclusive or a timed exclusive is leaving players frustrated.

We reached out to Microsoft for clarification and were unable to get an answer on whether the game has an exclusivity window on consoles or not.

As we announced at E3, “PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS” will be a console launch exclusive on Xbox One and right now, the development team is solely focused on bringing the best game possible on Xbox One and PC. We have nothing further to announce at this time.

At this time, there is no definitive word on whether PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is console exclusive to Xbox One, or if there is an exclusivity window that is not being made clear.