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Star Wars films are shot with the highest level of securit...wait...oh no... Ron Howard shared another photo from the set on Instagram. This one contains a first look at a beloved character!

In the rush to fill the director's seat for the untitled Han Solo film, we're guessing Lucasfilm forgot to have Howard sign NDAs. Either that, or he's clearly having a blast working on this film, and loves to tease fans. Howard was brought in to finish the film after Christopher Miller and Phil Lord parted ways with Lucasfilm over creative differences.

The latest image shared by Howard is our first legitimate look at actor Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian. He doesn't have a cape, but he has something better: the Millennium Falcon.

This shot hits just two days after Howard tweeted another potential spoiler. The image is of Chewbacca checking out the playback of a shot.

This may look like an ordinary production still until you zoom in on the viewscreen, which shows two wookiees embracing. Fans believe this may be Chewbacca and his wife, perhaps even saying goodbye to each other for the last time.

Keep the images coming, Howard. We love good teases, and both of these shots give Star Wars fans plenty to talk about.