
Although it's reportedly holding off on the next Mass Effect game, BioWare is still in the process of fixing Andromeda, which was plagued by a number of technical issues at launch. The latest patch, 1.06, tweaks a number of the game's cutscenes, lighting, and animations to make them all look more natural.

Youtuber YongYea has complied several of these changes into a video highlighting how the changes look in real time. Though most of these changes look minor (and I've have a hard time going back through old cutscenes to point out changes), the 1.06 changes of every cutscene do look better. You can watch the video below.


Our Take
I still haven't played Andromeda, although I mean to, and changes like this make me think I should keep holding off on it until BioWare's done tweaking it. That works for me: Did you know there are a ton of video games always coming out and it never ends and dear lord how will I find the time for all of them?