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Weekend Warrior – Like Yoda Said, "Live Long And Prosper"

by Zak Wojnar on Apr 14, 2017 at 07:00 PM

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So... What's the deal with Yoda? He's championed as this wise old sage, but he makes bone-headed decisions at every turn. He doesn't tell Luke who his father is, he implores him to let his friends get murdered by the Empire on Cloud City, and then, after Luke learns the truth of his parentage, he commands the young man to commit patricide. But he also said "Do or do not, there is no try," so he's celebrated as the smartest guy in the galaxy, even though the happy ending of Return of the Jedi sees Luke strike out on his own path, directly disobeying his master and saving the day. This is why I'm an atheist.

Anyway, the Game Informer crew will spend the Easter weekend obsessing over that Last Jedi trailer, laughing at that Last Knight trailer, and getting wasted on bacon and jellybeans. What about you? Let us know your weekend plans in the comments below!

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I hope to spend more time with Persona 5. I’m only a couple of hours in but am quite intrigued. Other than that, I’ll eat some candy and drink something probably. Have a good weekend!

Suriel Vasquez (@SurielVazquez) – 400 light is finally within my reach. Only Destiny’s King’s Fall raid (and the stamina of my patient raid crew) stands in my way. Fingers crossed our ragtag team of randoms can steal Oryx’s heart and make him see the error of his ways. Also, I’m probably going to play some Takemi The Best Girl Dating Simulator Persona 5 this weekend.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – The parents are in town for Easter so we'll be egg hunting, egg painting, and egg eating, hopefully all at once. I'm still working on Horizon, which I'm enjoying, but taking slow. I also hope to see Colossal. I didn't realize until recently, but it's the same director as Timecrimes, which is a movie more people should watch.

Jeff Cork (@gijeff) – I'll probably end up playing some more Diablo III, since that's basically all I seem to do these days. More importantly, I'm going to make an effort to finally get around to playing Breath of the Wild. I have absolutely no excuse for not starting it up now.

Javy Gwaltney (@HurdyIV) – Fellow editor Dan Tack and I are going to some shindig with unlimited beer and bacon on Saturday, so assuming we survive that delicious ordeal I’ll be playing Persona, writing some fiction, and groaning my way through Andromeda some more.

Zak Wojnar (@ZakWojnar) – I'm gonna try to avoid sweets and write some stories. If I have time, I'll play Sunset Overdrive, but I'm more likely watch more of Fargo season 2, which is just fantastic so far. This week, I've been listening to my #1 favorite band, Not Waving But Drowning. I've had their latest album for a while (I was at the album release party, natch!), but it just came out on Spotify, so that's pretty cool. 

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – This weekend, I’m playing some MLB The Show 17 and Mass Effect: Andromeda, but with the weather getting nicer and Pokémon Go’s egg-hatching event going on, I’ll definitely be going on some walks. There’s also a UFC fight that I’ll be tuning into on Saturday night, and I’ll probably keep playing Pokémon SoulSilver and, of course, Overwatch.

Manon Hume (@ManonHume) – I’m looking forward to unplugging a little over the weekend… By which I mean walking around to hatch eggs during the Pokémon Go event. Going outside counts as unplugging, right?