gamer culture

Lara Croft underwent the reboot treatment for the Tomb Raider video game series back in 2013, and now it's time for the iconic heroine to make her way back to the big screen as well.

The last Tomb Raider film, released in 2003, starred Angelina Jolie as the globe-trotting treasure hunter. Alicia Vikander, an Oscar-winning actress known for her roles as Gerda Wegener in The Danish Girl and Ava in Ex Machina, steps into the adventurer's shoes in these new photos from the movie reboot that Vanity Fair managed to snag. You can check out the rest of the photos in Vanity Fair's piece here.

The upcoming Tomb Raider takes its cues from the video game reboot of the same title, following the first adventures of a younger, more vulnerable Lara Croft who hasn't yet earned the title of tomb raider. 

This Lara Croft may be new to the treasure-hunting scene, but as the photo above shows, she is still as tenacious as ever. Bearing a bow, bandages, and the signature tank top, Vikander told Vanity Fair that Croft "has a fantastic mix of traits – tough, smart, vulnerable, plus she’s kick ass!"

Tomb Raider is set to release on March 16, 2018. Check out more movie news with the latest Justice League trailer, Alien: Covenant poster, and Star Wars Episode VIII updates.

[Source: Vanity Fair]