reader discussion
by Jordan Leendertsen on Mar 10, 2017 at 12:00 PM

For Game Informer's weekend, there is sure a lot of Horizon and Zelda going around, which is totally understandable because they're both awesome. Those of us not entangled in the latest and greatest will be indulging in some older favorites like Overwatch, Pokemon Go, and Saints Row 4. Whatever you're playing or doing this week, sound off in the comments below, and make sure to let Kyle know that he should under no circumstances see a film called Rock Dog. I don't even know what it is, it just sounds like a bad scene.

Jordan Leendertsen (@Bad_Durandal) - My weekend will be consumed by chores, and probably downloading more music. I'm on a rare music kick, discovering new stuff from old favorites like Twisted Sister, Iron Maiden, and Def Leppard. When I'm not doing that I'll be trying to do my Pharah tattoo justice as I continue to struggle against Bastion's ongoing Overwatch reign of terror. Probably some GTA V in there too, I don't know. 

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) - I’m still playing a lot of Zelda, but I have been sharing a Switch with my wife, who is also playing Zelda, and it’s been very difficult for us. Otherwise, I guess I should go see that Logan movie. Or Get Out. Knowing me though, I’ll probably end up seeing Rock Dog, which looks awful.

Javy Gwaltney (@HurdyIV) - I'm gonna be playing Nier Automata, watching my door for my Switch to arrive, and probably seeing a bunch of movies at the theater.

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) - Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Overwatch Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Pokémon Go Zelda

Jenifer Vinson (@JenMarie_Vinson) - Drowning in all things Horizon Zero Dawn.  Playing the game, and starting my Aloy cosplay.

Manon Hume (@ManonHume) - My brother’s coming out to visit this weekend, so we’re going to hit the city nerd-style! At the top of the to-do list is watching Lego Batman, exploring a rare book shop, and checking out a nearby barcade. I’ve been playing Horizon Zero Dawn all week, but Aloy will have to wait until Monday to resume her epic quest. :)

Zak Wojnar (@ZakWojnar) - I just got my hands on Quantum Break, but I must confess, I haven’t spent nearly as much time playing video games over the past month as I would have liked. I slip in a few hours here and there, but not enough to make much headway in games like Yakuza 0 or Final Fantasy XIV. There are only so many hours in a day, and between spending my days working at Game Informer and my nights writing for Screen Rant, it seems that gaming itself is taking a backseat to pop culture journalism. Isn’t that just perfectly ironic?

Whatever happens this weekend, I am planning to, at some point, play Star Wars Battlefront with my buddies. I’ve got Need for Speed: Rivals queued up to play with my brother, and we’re also in the early stages of Saints Row 4 and Gauntlet: Slayer Edition. I’ve also got to give a shout-out to Tricky Towers, which is the most adorable Tetris rip-off I’ve ever seen. I’m playing a little bit of a lot of games, so I’m like a cheese connoisseur at a tasting; I’ll have a nibble of everything. I am planning to return to Yakuza 0, and then Quantum Break, but… Probably not this weekend.

Hey, wanna check out a hot New York City band? Dig the sweet punk rock grooves of Glowing-Eyed Friends! One of their tastiest tunes, No Redemption, is based on the themes of Bioshock Infinite. “When they baptized me by the river, they should have drowned me instead.” Isn’t that just the greatest line? Err… If you’re a religious person, then don’t answer that question.

Margaret Andrews (@sopheava) - Horizon Zero Dawn has hooked me good. Who knew robot dino hunting was gonna be this much fun?  I’m 36 hours in and would like to finish literally everything this weekend so I can squeeze in Night in the Woods before Andromeda comes out (and takes over my life).