gamer culture

Although it's a bit overpriced at $70, the Switch Pro Controller is a pretty decent way to play Switch games if the Joy-Cons aren't doing it for you. The D-pad leaves a bit to be desired and the triggers aren't analog, but it lets you play Breath of the Wild on a fairly standard controller, which feels nice. Also, if you're looking for some warm fuzzies, this controller has at least one for you.

Reddit user Tropiux has found a hidden message under the controller's right analog stick which can only be seen when the stick is pushed down. Beneath the plastic of the entire stick is the message "THX2 ALLGAMEFANS."

We were able to find the message in our own Pro Controller and can confirm the message is real (image below).

It's a pretty cool Easter egg, all told. It's hard to notice, and it may take a second to find the message even after someone tells you to where it is. Nice touch, Nintendo!