
In a recent interview with PC Gamer, Mass Effect: Andromeda producer Fabrice Condominas delved into how BioWare is approaching side quests, and how the upcoming game is taking inspiration from CD Projekt Red's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Condominas explained that the BioWare team listened to the criticism they received regarding the tedious side quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Condominas dubs the issue as the "Hinterlands problem," where players must grind through unsatisfying side content in one location.

With Mass Effect: Andromeda, Condominas explains that BioWare has learned from its missteps and is making a push for more "meaningful" side content.

"We are approaching the completionist aspect very differently, because we've done and learned a lot from Inquisition," Condominas told PC Gamer. "But we've also observed what other games have been doing, like The Witcher."

For more on Mass Effect: Andromeda, click here to be transported to our hub of exclusive content from our December 2016 cover story, or click the banner below. Mass Effect: Andromeda releases on March 21 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

[Source: PC Gamer]


Our Take
As much as I love Dragon Age: Inquisition, the meager and tedious side quests often felt frustratingly boring in comparison to the engaging main narrative. A push for more meaningful content is never a bad thing, and The Witcher 3 is an exemplary model of how side content can be just as meaningful as the main story. BioWare has a great reputation of building fascinating worlds and characters, and I hope they will shine in these quests.