
After a year of turbulence, Ubisoft's shared world shooter finally feels like it's on track. For PC players who have yet to patrol the streets of a decimated Manhattan and cleanse the city of its devious factions, now is as good of time as any.

Today Ubisoft announced it's hosting a free weekend for The Division on PC. From December 15 at 10AM PST to December 18 at 1PM PST, you can check out the full core game and all of its additional content (save for the paid Underground and Survival expansions). Should you decide you like the game and want to purchase the full version, all of your progress will carry over. 

We recommend bringing some friends if you plan to try it, because the game is best played cooperatively. You can read our review of The Division here


Our Take
All these free weekends sure aren't helping drive game sales, but as a gamer these are great opportunities to try before you buy.