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Weekend Warrior – Cold November Rain

by Ian Boudreau on Nov 18, 2016 at 01:00 PM

Well, winter has finally struck here at Game Informer HQ. Even the Minnesota natives are bundling up and wearing hats on their way to and from work, which means it's legitimately cold out there for any transplants to the area. But that's okay, because there's still tons to do, whether it's Pokémon- or Watch Dog-flavored. What will you be playing, watching, reading, and otherwise doing this weekend? Let us know in the comments! Here's what the crew here will be up to:

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – This weekend I’ll be waist-deep in Pokémon Sun, but I’ll definitely be playing tons of Overwatch as well (still trying to figure out how to be good with Sombra). In between those two, I’ll probably start up Watch Dogs 2 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s campaign.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – What a great time for the weekend to arrive! I’m hoping to spend a ton of time with Pokemon Sun this weekend, we have the GI Game Club coming up soon! Outside of that, I’m sure I’ll pour more hours into Overwatch and some other nonsense like Planet Coaster. Have a good weekend!

Joe Juba (@joejuba) – With Final Fantasy XV on the near horizon, I’m afraid to start any gaming projects that are too long and complicated. That’s why I’m currently tackling Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice. It’s not exactly a short game, but it’s rewarding in both brief and marathon sessions, and I don’t need to worry about forgetting how to play if I need to put it down for a while. I may also continue playing some Tyranny this weekend, though after spending about 10 hours with it, I may have seen all I need to with that one.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is out this weekend, so I think a viewing of that will be in order. I also need to see Arrival, as everyone cryptically reminds me whenever the topic comes up. I’m still dabbling with Pokémon a bit, but I think my main video game focus this weekend will be Dishonored 2. Last time I tried to play, I fell asleep while it was loading, but I might have a little more energy next time. Also, Westworld.

Michael Leri (@OrangeFlavored) – It finally happened. Snow. Sort of. I’ve seen more “snow” fall from the sky today than any other day of my life. That’s a decent enough excuse to lock myself inside this weekend and play some Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Dishonored 2, and Watch Dogs 2, where I can transferred to the sunny California that I so dearly miss.

Javy Gwaltney (@Hurdyiv) – This weekend I’m seeing Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, buckling down to power through Infinite Warfare and doing evil nasty things in that Tyranny game that Miller reviewed.

Kim Wallace (@kstar1785) – This weekend is very similar to last weekend. I’ll be trying to finish up Dishonored 2 (which I’m loving) and playing Overwatch in between. Now that Sombra is out there, it’s interesting seeing how she affects the game. Right now, people are still learning to play her, so I feel like you can’t even get the full potential of the character yet. I tested her out and so far she’s not someone I think I’d main, but I love what she can bring to the table. Hopefully, people I team up with find that she fits their playstyle. Other than that, I started the anime ReLIFE, which I’m really enjoying so far. Have a great weekend everyone!

Kevin Slackie (@KSlackie) – As if anyone didn’t see this coming, my weekend will be filled with Pokémon Moon. So far it’s had some fantastic improvements, so I can’t wait to dive in and make a competitive team. I’ll try to get some rounds of Heroes of the Storm too for the Nexus Challenge.

Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – If the new patch for Dishonored 2 on PC actually does it what says it does, I may jump into that. I’ll mostly likely be playing Overwatch on the PC as well, just to get back in the swing of things. Then, I’ll probably play through Quantum Break on Xbox One, since I missed it earlier in the year. Additionally, I’ll probably play some Overwatch on Xbox One, since they’re having that free weekend and a few of my friends play there. I may also start playing Watch Dogs on PlayStation 4 now that I finally have time for it. I’ll likely play some Overwatch on PlayStation 4 too, since I just bought it on sale to play with some friends who play it there. Finally, I’ll be working through Pokémon Moon for the GI Game Club. They should put Overwatch on the 3DS, by the way.

Ian Boudreau (@iboudreau) – I picked up Endless Legend on sale last week and I've been very impressed by its magical spin on the Civilization formula. I'm hoping to learn how to be less bad as Sombra and try out some of Overwatch's new arcade modes as well. For some reason I started playing through Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare again the other night, so maybe I'll hang out with Evil Kevin Spacey some more.