gamer culture

Over the years, gamers have debated a number of things. Nintendo versus Sega was hot in the 80s and 90s. PlayStation vs. Xbox has taken over in recent years. But Ubisoft vs. Ubisoft? That one’s been waging for decades.

In an adorable new video, Ubisoft asked its employees how to pronounce the name of the company for which they work. You’d think there would be a unified answer. You’d be wrong.

In fact, there isn’t even a correct answer according to CEO Yves Guillemot. Though, we hazard that those opting for “U.B.I. Soft” might be in the minority.

Ubisoft is currently facing a fight for its independence as Vivendi makes moves toward a hostile takeover. It’s interesting to see the publisher maintain its sense of humor and good spirit even through trying times.