If you haven't jumped in to Frontier Developments' Elite Dangerous, this weekend is your best opportunity. The publisher has announced that the game's standalone close-quarters-combat PvP mode, Arena, is free for a limited time. To make things better, those who download Elite Dangerous: Arena this weekend aren't getting a limited trial; those who download Arena this weekend for free are able to keep it permanently.

Arena places players in four unique spaceships in first-person dogfights taking place in four different arenas. The game rewards players for ranking up with new tactical options through custom loadouts. If you're still undecided, you can check out the trailer for Elite Dangerous: Arena below.

If you want to grab your free copy of Elite Dangerous: Arena, you have until Monday, July 11 at 10 a.m. Pacific to log on to Steam or To read about the full Elite Dangerous experience, you can read our review.