
The official PlayStation blog recently interviewed Game Director Danny Belanger about how Watch Dogs 2 was separating itself from the original game. The biggest change? Apparently you'll be able to go through the entire game without killing people.

It's worth noting that it's the author of the post that says this, and not a direct quote from Belanger itself, but the quotes immediately following the statement seem to support it:

“The player has the freedom to play the way they want,” explains Belanger.

“We’re using three playstyles to talk about the game. The combat hacker — who is more proactive and uses hacks to take down people. There’s the ghost hacker — they can use hacks to distract and make noises. And then there’s the trickster hacker. They can finish a whole mission without actually physically being there.”

You can read the entire post here on PlayStation's official blog. And be sure to check out our preview of Watch Dogs 2.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]


Our Take
I did not like the original Watch Dogs. In fact, I think it's pretty fair to say I outright hated it, mostly because of its failure to live up to its promising premise of a game about a hacker vigilante. Also, Aiden. Aiden is the worst. That said, it sounds like Watch Dogs 2 is shaping up nicely, refining what worked about the original game while addressing the criticisms it received.