by Jeff Cork on May 10, 2016 at 05:24 AM

The last Need for Speed didn't exactly set review-score records when it released in 2015. Ventura Bay was largely forgettable, and the overall experience didn't push the franchise ahead, as senior editor Matt Kato wrote in his review. Developer Ghost Games has added to the game since its launch, but don't expect to see a new entry this year. The studio says in a blog post that the next Need for Speed is coming in 2017, while also sharing a slew of gameplay stats.

According to the company, players have bought 1.3 billion parts for their cars, spending 16 million hours customizing their vehicles. Scroll down for the complete rundown, but prepare yourself – it's a long one.

[Source: Ghost Games]


Our Take
Ghost Games also added that it's going to be keeping the community informed about its next moves, so it's not like they're going dark. Hopefully, they keep the wonderfully corny live-action elements from the last installment.