
A new Dawn of War is coming, though details begin and end right there for now. A full reveal is planned for tomorrow, at which time we’ll find out more about what Sega (and presumably Relic) have in store.

Dawn of War, a Warhammer 40K real-time strategy series, has had two distinctly different incarnations. The first game was a traditional base-building RTS, that eventually gave birth to three substantial expansions.

The sequel dropped the base-building in favor of a smaller, squad based approach (akin to the Company of Heroes series). It spawned two sizable expansions and the Last Stand standalone pack that serves as a co-op horde mode. New DLC for the Retribution expansion was just released in March, which now seems to have been designed to whet appetites for this announcement. The Dawn of War franchise was acquired from THQ (along with Relic) in bankruptcy proceedings. 

While there is no mention of Warhammer 40K or Games Workshop yet, the series has been exclusively associated with that franchise. We’ll have more tomorrow at 7 a.m. Pacific / 10 a.m. Eastern when the game is unveiled.

[Source: Dawn of War on YouTube, pictured: Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War II - Retribution]


Our Take
Both Dawn of War games hold up extremely well. I just finished playing the first one, and I’ve started in on the second in earnest. If you have the slightest interest in Warhammer 40K, there are a lot of great games to sink your teeth into, but these are a great starting point.