
Dark Souls III will be going down for a few hours tonight on all platforms in order to deliver update version 1.04.

The PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game will be down for different periods of time. You can check out the times below.

PS4 – 4PM to 6PM PDT
XB1 – 4PM to 10PM PDT
PC – 11PM to 1 AM PDT

You can find the full list of patch notes here. It includes balance changes, condition changes for certain events, as well as general bug fixes. One update that I am particular excited about is this one: If the game disconnects during a multiplayer session, it will no longer crash and return to the title screen. Also, it looks like you won't be able to parry kicks anymore.

We've been playing through Dark Souls III as part of our Chronicles series. You can find all 18 episodes of our journey here.

[Source: darksoulsgame.tumblr.com]