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Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Captain America: Civil War. At the same time, the comic medium that inspired that story is, not coincidentally prepping a big event of its own with a related name. 

Civil War II develops out of some of the major events that have recently unfolded in the various Marvel Comics books, with the rise of a new group of Inhumans, and the ways in which their powers are shaking up the superhero landscape. As Civil War II begins, a newly emerged Inhuman is revealed to have the power to see the future, leading to a conflict between heroes who want to preemptively halt bad events in the future (led by Captain Marvel), and those who feel the future needs to unfold without interference (led by Iron Man). 

A new motion-comics trailer shows some of the cool art we can expect out of the big event, and also hints at where certain characters will line up in the battle. Civil War II Issue #1 is set to release on June 1, helmed by Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez, and Justin Ponsor.