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Remedy's Quantum Break, the time-bending third-person shooter that blends with an integrated live-action TV show, is releasing this Tuesday. Will you be picking it up?

We've seen "bullet time" explored in films like The Matrix, and in games like Max Payne, but Quantum Break is taking this to another extreme. With mechanics that revolve around the manipulation of time in combat, it could turn out to be an interesting experience. I plan on picking up Quantum Break as soon as I can, also because I'm intrigued to see how Remedy manages to blend a TV drama into the game. Plus, as a big fan of Alan Wake, my faith remains strong in Remedy's track record. What are your thoughts on the TV live-action episodes being intertwined into a shooter? Are you more curious about whether the gameplay will hold up? What are you most looking forward to, or most concerned about, with Quantum Break?

Let us know in the comments! Quantum Break releases on April 5 for Xbox One and PC. For more, watch our Test Chamber and read Ben Reeves' favorable review here. Click below to be directed to our hub with all of our Quantum Break coverage from December 2015.