gamer culture

As part of their Rare Revealed series, Rare released a new video about the making of the 1998 platformer Banjo-Kazooie.

The video sheds light on various topics, such as the developer's inside jokes that transcended into the game, their musical inspirations from Star Wars, and how they reworked ideas into Banjo-Kazooie from their cancelled game Dream. Also, there's some silly British humor you don't want to miss out on, like references to the somewhat inappropriate, adult jokes that snuck into the series.

Banjo-Kazooie was digitally remastered with the Rare Replay collection last year on Xbox One, and it's also available for download on Xbox 360. For more of Rare's mini-documentaries on the creation of their classics, you can check out the making of Perfect Dark and a multiplayer breakdown of Conker's Bad Fur Day