reader discussion

Despite AAA titles The Division and Hitman dropping earlier this week, an unassuming indie darling has stolen many players' hearts. The farming simulator Stardew Valley has cleverly injected itself into many of our play queues. Of course, some of us will still be lootin' and shootin' in The Division and picking up contracts in Hitman, despite Stardew's best efforts to bring peace and order into our gaming routines. What about you? What's on the agenda for this weekend? Let us know in the comments below. 

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I'm playing nurse for both wife and child, and will be catching up on some work this weekend, so I don't see much video gaming happening over the next two days. But if it does occur, it will probably look a whole lot like The Division.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend all I want to do is mainline Stardew Valley. Unfortunately, there's this game called Final Fantasy VII that I promised the GI community we'd talk about on next week's episode of The Game Informer Show. So I need to play through the entire second disc of my favorite game of all time, woe is me. Really though, I most likely won't be able to get Stardew Valley out of my head the entire time. Have a good weekend! 

Luke Walaszek (@urzashottub) – I'm finally on Spring Break, which means that I'll be playing a lot of games all week. I'm about 10 hours into the Virtual Console release of Pokemon Yellow, so I hope to pick up a few badges in that. As for other hobbies, I think it's high time I finish up Mad Men, so I plan to marathon that over the next few days. 

Ben Reeves (@BenjaminReeves) – Someone who claims to be my father is coming into town and apparently he wants to spend time with me, so I think I’ll be going to museums or whatever it is that normal families do. If I have time, I want to finish up the second disc of Final Fantasy VII for our Game Club, and at some point I’m hoping to continue my playthroughs of both Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and Stardew Valley. Have a great weekend everyone. Tell whoever is claiming to be your family that you love them. 

Connor Trinske (@gwubba) – March looks like it won’t have very many games worth getting, so I’ll probably be continuing my newest playthroughs on Ninja Gaiden Black and Earthbound this weekend. Shame about that new Hitman game (or should I say piece of a game?).

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – This weekend I'll be playing Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, Far Cry Primal, and XCOM 2. I might also squeeze in some Street Fighter V, since I just got a fightstick.

Joe Buchholz (@JoeyFatoney) – I've been reading From Masher to Master: The Educated Video Game Enthusiast's Fighting Game Primer by Patrick Miller. It's a completely free eBook that breaks down philosophies, techniques, and strategies to grow as a fighting game player. I've been using it to supplement my Street Fighter V addiction, and I definitely recommend reading it!