reader discussion

It feels like forever since Ubisoft unveiled Tom Clancy's The Division, an online shooter set in a virus-ravaged New York City. Fast-forward nearly three years since its announcement at E3 2013, and we are finally going to see this game released in the wild.

When it was first revealed, it was one of the most talked about games of E3. As the years passed, it seemed as though some of the enthusiasm died down, though many shooter fans have remained on the edge of their seats waiting for its launch. 

What camp do you find yourself in? Are you dying to pick up your copy, or are you waiting to see what others say about the game?

Though our review won't be finished until after release, you can tune in to our live stream tomorrow to see the game for yourself. In the meantime, you can watch our Test Chamber of the game and read Matt Miller's analysis of five ways The Division is like Destiny and nine ways it isn't.