
Street Fighter V seemed to be punch drunk as it stumbled through a dicey release yesterday. Publisher Capcom says that things are improving, with more fixes on the way.

In a post on Capcom Unity, the company says that connectivity issues should be improving. Additionally, a matchmaking fix was just pushed through on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Capcom is working to repair a list Fighter ID corruption on PC, and has attributed boot-up and crashing problems on anti-virus software. The company has also identified a number of features that it hopes to implement in the future. 

These include support for PlayStation 3 and 4 fight controllers, wider key rebinding options, and in-game language switching. Street Fighter V on PC also includes a strange approach to resolution changes that require users to cycle through each option. Improvements are under investigation.

For more on Street Fighter V, you can read up in our review.

[Source: Capcom Unity]


Our Take
After four betas, some of these things seem like odd misses. Also strange was that Capcom Unity was quiet throughout launch day as users reported major problems. This is a tentpole title for the publisher, and leaving fans out in the cold with minimal communication is a bad look, especially given how reliant this pared-down installment is on online play.