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Weekend Warrior – Dead Pools, Witnessed Fires, And One Load Of Dishes

by Joe Buchholz on Feb 12, 2016 at 01:00 PM

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February has been a good month for gaming with some late-January offerings tiding us over while a steady stream of new releases trickles in. Here’s what we’ve been playing this weekend, and don’t forget to chime in with what you’ve got planned for the weekend in the comments below.

Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner) – I’m finally getting around to booting up XCOM 2 and The Witness. I would add Darkest Dungeon to that list, but I’m waiting for the console version to hit, because, well, I’m that guy. For Valentine’s Day, Kelly and I are going to see Deadpool. It was her idea. She’s the best.

Mike Futter (@Futterish) – I just started playing Heroes of the Storm again, and I might be spending more time with that. A lot more time. This weekend, I’ll also be trying to configure a flight stick for Elite Dangerous. Most importantly, I’m going to see Deadpool and then have a steak. Nomz.

Luke Walaszek (@urzashottub) – I expect to get a second playthrough of Firewatch under my belt this weekend. After beating Jill’s campaign in Resident Evil last week, I’ve been itching to play more of the series, so I’ll probably jump on RE: 0 at some point, too.

Jeff Marchiafava (@GIJeffM) – I managed to finish The Witness this week, but still have a bunch of leftover puzzles that I plan to slam my head against this weekend – seriously, how hard is it to draw a line from one end of a grid to the other? Cork has also been talking up the new updates to Diablo III a bunch, so I might jump back in and slice my way through some endless hordes of enemies should I require something less intellectually taxing.

Connor Trinske (@gwubba) – I got into the Hitman beta, but I haven’t played much of it yet. I’ll be playing plenty more of it over the weekend in preparation for a video and article next week. Other than that, I’ll be returning to the general torment of my old emulated NES library. It’s alphabetical, and I’m currently on “B”.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I am still playing The Witness. I keep going to play other things, but when I wake up the PS4, The Witness loads right up from standby and one more puzzle keeps turning into 3 in the morning. That might change this weekend, though, as both Firewatch and Unravel are both waiting on my hard drive. Otherwise, it’s a pretty normal weekend. I predict I will probably do at least one load of dishes.

Joe Buchholz (@JoeyFatoney) – I have so many games pulling me in different directions it feels like one of those medieval torture devices with ropes, except instead of ropes it’s fun video games I like to play. I’m in the last area of The Witness. I just completed Firewatch, and it was a lot more emotional impactful than I thought it would be. Artorias was recently slain in my Dark Souls playthrough. I have been playing a bunch of Lethal League with friends, and I think it’s a majorly overlooked couch co-op game. I can’t wait to play more of all of these games!