
Bungie launched a matchmaking update for Destiny yesterday and already has another in the wild after taking some feedback.

Bungie is requesting more feedback on this matchmaking update, but has some good news about the one that launched yesterday:

Match-ups are still close enough to provide the level of challenge demanded by the Iron Lords. Matchmaking time between games is less than a minute, on average. By many accounts, we’ve taken a step in the right direction, but there is always more room for improvement.

The update is currently focused on Iron Banner and are meant to address lag issues specifically and Bungie says it should have some more information tomorrow:

Tomorrow, check back for more commentary on the potential for future changes to the Crucible in the Bungie Weekly Update (published one day late to get out of the way of progress).

[Source: Bungie]


Our Take
This is some quick turnaround for updates, which is impressive. Hopefully it has made the Iron Banner experience better for most players, who have been reporting lag.