gamer culture

If you're in the grips of Star Wars fever, these adorable mash-up sketches are sure to make you open your mouth and say "Awwwww!"

We're not sure what possessed artist James Hance to re-imagine Star Wars in the charming art style of Winnie The Pooh, but the results are too cute to question. Hance has created over a dozen sketches of a Pooh-ified Chewbacca, joined by a young Han Solo as Christoper Robin, a scarf-clad R2-D2 as Piglet, and a sad AT-AT filling in for Eeyore. Hance's initial Etsy sketches are sold out, though he has been adding new hand-drawn copies of the sketches daily. You can also order color prints and an illustrated book of "Wookiee The Chew" from his official website.

Check out a few of the sketches in the gallery below, then head to his official website for more.

[Source: James Hance's Etsy Page, Official Website via Robot 6]