reader discussion

It's the time of the year where we reflect back on the good and bad things that the past 12 months brought us. With that, we here at Game Informer have been discussing our picks for the best games of 2015, but before we reveal those choices to you, we want to know what your favorite games are.

For many, the expansive titles like Fallout 4 and the Witcher 3 rose to the top, while for others, smaller roller coaster rides like Splatoon and Rocket League were the most fun delivered to their screens. Then, of course, there are the high-octane action games like Rise of the Tomb Raider and Bloodborne that are always fan favorites. 

What was your favorite game of 2015? What made that game stand out over the other options for this year? What other games were in contention for the title? What games did you miss out on that you wish you could have played before making this call? Let us know in the comments below!