
Elite Dangerous is about to get a much larger thanks to the first update of a year of planned growth. The Horizons expansion, which is available today on PC, introduces planetary landings and a new ground exploration vehicle into the already massive Elite universe.

Developer Frontier Developments is planning a year of updates that are included in the $49.99 expansion. In addition to being able to land on planets and explore, over the coming year there will be a new crafting system, pilot avatar customization, cooperative ship piloting, ship-launched fighters (bigger ships can dispatch smaller vessels), and close-quarters arena combat.

If you already own the lifetime expansion pass or backed at a high enough level when the game was on Kickstarter, you’ll be granted immediate access to Horizons when the servers come up. For those who prefer to play on Steam, you can generate an Elite Dangerous and Horizons code from your Frontier account and play there.

If you don’t get Horizons, Frontier says that you shouldn’t worry. The core game will continue to be updated and the game won’t split players up.

Elite Dangerous is also currently available on Xbox One. Horizons is coming to that system some time later. For more, check out our review of Elite Dangerous.