
It’s only been a few months since Battlefield 4’s last free update, but DICE is rolling out even more content for the over two-year old shooter. Legacy Operations is available free of charge later this year and features the return of a fan-favorite map.

The centerpiece of the DLC is Dragon Valley 2015, a re-imagined version of the classic map that first appeared in Battlefield 2. This is the result of a poll DICE conducted last year asking fans which previous maps fans would like to see remade. 

Dragon Valley was originally a large, vehicle friendly map, and that remains the case in the 2015 version, which features a huge number of flags and destructible/repairable bridges. Tweaks made to the map include improved draw distance and terrain, as well as the addition of Rush mode. Check out a highlight reel of play-testing sessions in the video below. 

Legacy Operations is only hitting PC and current-gen versions of Battlefield 4. The update is planned to launch alongside a separate holiday update later this year.