gamer culture

If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that gamers are immensely creative. If a game supports a way for players to build out their imaginations, we know we’ll find some amazing things. Thus is the case with Introversion’s Prison Architect.

There are a healthy amount of mods for the game, including those based on Papers, Please, Fallout vaults, Warhammer. We’ve decided to highlight some of the creative map designs (some built with the assistance of available Steam Workshop mods).

If you have a copy of Prison Architect, you can import any of these into your game. We’ve included links so you can nab these. For more on Prison Architect, check out our review.

The Legend of Zelda Tribute by TheStable1

Game of Thrones’ Kings Landing by Lardlover

The USS Enterprise by Nexis

Bro Prison Supermax by Ben

Injustice League by TheStable1

AT-AT by Kuberous

The Tree of Life (and Punishment) by Lardlover

Star Destroyer by Silveriño

The Magic Kingdom by TheStable1

Tesla Coil by Marcpacy