
Call of Duty fans who love paying up front for all of Activision's DLC are out of luck if they're planning to play on PS3 or 360. Activision confirmed today that it will not be offering a season pass for Call of Duty: Black Ops III on last-generation consoles.

Activision has previously announced that season pass purchasers will have first-priority access to four DLC map packs releasing in 2016, including content expanding Treyarch's infamous Zombie mode for the $50 price tag. Activision also says that the availability of the individual DLC packs may vary for PS3 and 360, and that more info will be announced later.

Treyarch is up to bat for this latest entry, which takes place in a less-than-ideal futuristic vision of 2065. Call of Duty: Black Ops III arrives on PS3, 360, PS4, Xbox One, and PC November 6. If you want to know more about Black Ops III, read our preview outlining all the specialists announced for multiplayer.

[Source: Video Gamer]

Our Take
Late adopters of the newest gaming consoles are usually at a disadvantage with cross-gen titles are released, but usually that's reserved to the performance or gameplay limitations of old hardware. We don't know why the season pass won't be offered to last-gen players, but we can only speculate that it may have to do with Treyarch's ambitions not being compatible with last-gen, and wanting to avoid disappointing fans by letting them pay money in advance for something different from the current-gen's DLC offerings.