reader discussion

The fall schedule of releases is really beginning to ramp up now, but one game in particular has been whipping gamers into a frenzy. Fallout 4, arguably the most anticipated game of the remainder of the year, releases exactly one month from today. We want to know what about the game you're most excited for.

For me, I think it's just the prospect of being able to jump back in and explore another Bethesda open world. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I loved exploring every single piece of Skyrim, so I can already guess that Fallout 4 will be consuming a large chunk of my free time come November. Outside of that, I'm excited to check out mods. Since I'm primarily a console gamer, I rarely get to enjoy the mod communities that PC gamers benefit from regularly.

Why are you most excited for Fallout 4? Is it the modding, the new settlement construction mechanics, or something else? If you'd like to learn more about Fallout 4 before you answer, you can check out our extended look at the game, or read about everything we knew about Fallout 4 in July.