
Starting on October 13, players will be able to buy new character emotes using a new currency called silver. The first taste is free, but you’ll need to spend real world cash to buy more silver.

A few weeks ago, one of Destiny's Tower vendors – a woman named Tess Everis – mysteriously disappeared from the game. On October 13, she’ll return with a new role and a new storefront. Tess will be setting up the Eververse Trading Company, a store that will allow Destiny players to exchange a new currency called Silver for one of eighteen brand new emotes, similar to those offered via The Taken King Collector’s Edition.

Silver can be bought with real world money through the stores associated with each console, but pricing details won’t be available until October 13.

Bungie's blog was careful to point out that these items will have no impact a players' performance in the game itself. “If you’re not interested in what Tess has to offer, you won’t ever be forced to pluck an item off of her shelf. You’ll still receive updates to the game, and you won’t lose a Crucible encounter or fail to clear a Raid because you didn’t have the right Eververse Trading Company emote equipped. Our plan is to use these new items to bolster the service provided by our live team for another full year, as they grow and create more robust and engaging events that we’ll announce later this year.”

All Destiny players will receive a small amount of silver for free next Tuesday, so you can buy a at least a few emotes without paying for them.



Our Take
This is likely to be a controversial decision among the Destiny community. While Bungie has stated that these emotes won't impact a player's performance, we're sure that some players will worry that this could open the door to other purchases. It wouldn't be totally out of the realm of possibility for Bungie to start selling Legendary or even Exotics items for real world cash at some point down the line.