
We don’t know exactly when the Valve’s first virtual reality headset, HTC’s Vive is arriving at retail. When it was announced in March, Valve and HTC indicated release would happen this year. We do know that games are starting to show up for it in Steam, though.

Yesterday, I was looking at my Steam library and noticed a new heading called “SteamVR.” Right now, the only game I own that fits the bill is Team Fortress 2, but we also just received word that Elite Dangerous will support the head-mounted display.

Virtual reality displays still have as many questions as answers. Oculus, Sony, and HTC/Valve are playing a game of chicken with pricing. We have basic release windows but no specifics. And those hoping to become PC gamers with the arrival of this new tech still don’t have a sense of how much they’ll need to spend (or how to plan their builds).

We’ve reached out to Valve to find out when it might be making an announcement. We suspect it won’t be until after this week’s Oculus Connect.


Our Take
It’s great that software is starting to show up for the Vive. That’s a crucial part of the selling proposition, after all. However with so many unknowns so close to release, it wouldn’t entirely surprise me if we’re looking at a delay into next year. As Valve demonstrated with the Steam Machines and controller, it isn’t shy about pushing products out if necessary.