reader discussion

It may not be on quite the same level of news as E3, but there have been some surprises coming out of Tokyo Game Show 2015. What has been your favorite?

For me, it is the announcement of a Gravity Rush (or Gravity Daze, if you prefer) sequel. The first one was a Vita launch title and it had some of the shortcomings inherent in a game hurried along to release with a new platform, but I love the look of the game and core hook of falling through the air in unnatural directions is extremely well-executed. I love the feeling of falling up and sideways in Gravity Rush, and I can't wait to see what the development team has done with more time to flesh out the full experience. I really think the sequel has a lot of potential, and I have been worried that maybe Sony had written-off the game off as a franchise not worth exploring.

Of course, there are plenty of other announcements that have come out of TGS, like the upcoming Bloodborne expansion, another Kingdom Hearts re-release, and more. You can find a list of stories here.