by Mike Futter on Sep 17, 2015 at 06:17 AM

After closing out its Kickstarter with $6.33 million on top of a deal with Sony, Ys Net is asking for more money for Shenmue III. The developer sent out an email announcing a “slacker backer” program that will run through the end of the year.

While some of the backer rewards overlap with the original Kickstarter campaign, there are physical game packages that differ. Instead of using funding to sure up existing goals, Ys Net is going the Star Citizen route and will be adding more stretch goals.

Because of the potential for additional stretch goals that will add content and change the battle system, Ys Net isn’t entirely committing to its December 2017 release. “A rigorous budget and schedule has been worked out with our production team and we believe our target of 2017 holiday season is within reach,” the developer writes. “That said, our goal is to make the best game possible (and one that the fans want!) so please understand the schedule may change as the project evolves.”

If you are interested in checking out the additional funding and stretch goals, you can do so on the official website. If you're interested in seeing where the series began, we're playing through all of the Dreamcast original.


Our Take
Those that opt in via Paypal in the “slacker backer” campaign aren’t afforded even the thin protections Kickstarter offers. The fact that Ys Net will be adding funds to stretch goals, the next three of which change the battle system, means that the development is a moving target until the end of the year.