
Perfect World is playing catchup with the Xbox One version of its free-to-play MMO, Neverwinter. Four free expansions have arrived with a host of new features for those playing on console.

The add-ons include, Curse of Icewind Dale, Shadowmantle, Fury of the Feywild, and the most recent expansion, Elemental Evil. These bring a boost in level cap from 60 to 70, the Oathbound Paladin class, new adventure zones, and profession boosts.

For fans of the Baldur’s Gate franchise, you’ll have the opportunity to reunite with two classic characters. Minsc (a ranger) and Boo (a miniature giant space hamster) made their debut to the public in 1998, bring humor to BioWare’s epic adventure in the Forgotten Realms.

You can download the update for Neverwinter on Xbox One now.