
Sony has been hard at work on the next big PS4 software update, and is pulling back the curtain on what improvements owners can expect to see.

In a post on PlayStation.Blog, Sony lists a number of improvements that beta testers can start checking out today. For starters, PS Plus members will see their online storage increased from 1GB to 10GB, along with a meter to determine their available storage. PS4 users will also be able to livestream their games on YouTube, and upload video clips Twitter (albeit with a 10-second duration limit).

Sony is also including several other social-oriented features, including Events (which clue you into game-specific activities like double XP weekends and official livestreams), Favorite Groups (allowing you to, say, group all your Destiny friends together for easier play dates), and Communities (which feature message boards, shared media, and the ability to join parties and games).

You can see what other features are being added to the beta program by clicking the link below. Sony emphasizes that the features are only being tested right now, and are not all guaranteed to make it into the next firmware update. Sony also doesn't say when the official software update will be launched, but plans to announce a date soon.

[Source: PlayStation.Blog]


Our Take
It's nice to see that both Sony and Microsoft continue to add and improve upon the functionalities of their current-gen systems. The new additions might not be mind-blowing, but they are welcome – especially the online storage; I turned off the PS4's auto-upload feature a long time ago because my system was constantly complaining about being at max capacity.