
This War of Mine, the bleak war-survival game that earned our praise when it released this past June, let players explore armed conflict from a perspective that's rarely shown in games: the civilian populace. Deep Silver has announced that it's bringing the game to consoles early next year, and the new addition of children could add a grim new wrinkle to an already bleak experience. You wouldn't know it from the exuberant new trailer, however.

"We had this idea from the very beginning, and when Deep Silver provided an opportunity to make a console version, we decided to expand our project and bring our ideas to life," says Michal Drozdowski, creative director at 11bit studios. “We're excited to showcase this at this year's PAX Prime."

The new content will challenge players to survive as they try to protect the most vulnerable survivors. Deep Silver says you'll be tasked with educating the young ones on how to survive in this harsh world, while forming personal connections with the characters.

This War of Mine: The Little Ones is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 29.