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Famed authors from the 1950s and 1960s are making a splash in 2015. Harper Lee, best known for 1960's To Kill A Mockingbird, released Go Set a Watchman earlier this year. On October 27 (in North America), the late, great J R. R. Tolkien returns to the new release shelves with The Story of Kullervo, an early, unfinished work of his based on the Finnish legend Kalevala.

The Story of Kullervo is a fantasy tale that follows a man who is sold into slavery and is determined to get revenge on the magician responsible for his father's death. The story has no ties to Tolkien's better-known efforts, like The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and is believed to be one of this author's first works. He never finished it, however. Publisher HarperCollins is not enlisting the help of another author to finish the story, although it is edited by Verlyn Flieger. The first part of the tale will be Tolkien's prose, and the second part will be his outline.

Readers in the U.K. can get their hands on the book this month on August 27, two months earlier than its scheduled arrival in North America.

[Source: Entertainment Weekly]