
Square Enix announced today that the sequel to Lara Croft's critically acclaimed reboot, Rise of the Tomb Raider, will be available on PCs next year.

Microsoft, publisher Square Enix, and developer Crystal Dynamics arranged a year of exclusivity for the game when it arrives on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One November 10. That means the PlayStation 4 version won't be available to Sony fans until holiday of next year. However, PC users are a bit luckier considering it hits Steam and Windows 10 in early 2016.

For more on Rise of the Tomb Raider, check out our cover story hub filled with a ton of exclusives stories and videos about the game.

Our Take
The video game industry is a business, and sometimes third-party console exclusives are a reality us fans have to face. I'm happy to hear that PS4-owning Tomb Raider fans with beefy enough PCs will be able to play the game sooner rather than later thanks to this announcement.