
Update: Nintendo has issued a press release offering some more detail about the upcoming partnership with Facebook. Nintendo is hosting a hackathon event at Facebook headquarters, where employees will compete to come up with the most creative level in Super Mario Bros. Hackathons are part of Facebook's company culture, in which employees work on projects outside the boundaries of their daily jobs. The winning team's level will be available after Super Mario Maker launches, free of charge.

Original Story: Here’s a weird one: Nintendo announced via Twitter today that they will be partnering with Facebook to promote Super Mario Maker and to create new content at launch.

The two tweets have since been deleted, but the guys over at My Nintendo News managed to snag the original text before it vanished. Facebook employees will design levels which can then be downloaded by players. One Facebook-created level will be downloadable for free after launch. 

Super Mario Maker doesn't release for the WiiU until September 11, but you can read our E3 interview with the producer and director while you wait.

[Source: Twitter via My Nintendo News]

Our Take

While the tweets don't implicitly say it, this could mean that we’ll be seeing paid launch-day DLC in Super Mario Maker, or at least a pay-per-level system in some capacity. Nintendo has handled Wii U DLC well in the past with both Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8; hopefully they’ll do just as well with Super Mario Maker.