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‘I’m Coming For You,’ Says Daybreak President John Smedley Of Harasser Convicted In Finland

by Mike Futter on Jul 08, 2015 at 03:43 PM

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In August 2014, former Sony Online Entertainment president (now Daybreak Games president) John Smedley took to Twitter to detail the harrowing account of a bomb threat. Smedley was aboard an American Airlines flight when Lizard Squad issued the threat that brought the plane down for safety reasons.

Among those accused of perpetrating the act was Julius Kivimaki, who was convicted of over 50,000 counts of cyber-crime in Finland. The court system there assigned a two-year suspended sentence, though the story may not be over.

Smedley took to Twitter today to voice his satisfaction that Kivimaki is now in the spotlight. “This was the piece of garbage that brought my plane down, leaked my information, and did all kinds of other crap to me,” Smedley writes. “It’s important to note - he was convicted of crimes that had nothing to do YET with the PSN DDoS over Christmas. (Yes, he was part of that.)”

Smedley goes on to suggest that Kivimaki still has 15 additional cases to answer for and awaiting prosecution in Finland. “I may go after his parents in Civil court, too. Little dirtbag,” Smedley writes. He also suggests that Kivimaki served time in prison and was physically assaulted.

According to the executive, he had a chance to hear the entire bomb threat call and even speak with Kivimaki when he was impersonating someone else by phone. “His parents need to be held accountable for his actions in addition to going to jail,” he writes. “So I’m coming for you, Julius.”

[Source: John Smedley on Twitter]


Our Take
I can’t blame Smedley for being angry and even frustrated at the lax sentence handed out by the Finnish courts. If he’s correct though, this story isn’t over and Kivimaki might not have escaped prison time quite yet.

Originally published on July 8 2015 at 03:49 PM.