
Paul Sage, creative director on The Elder Scrolls Online, has announced a new position outside the company. Sage departed Zenimax Online Studios this month, and has landed at Borderlands and Battleborn developer Gearbox.

Sage’s LinkedIn profile reflects the change, also indicating he was a member of the Zenimax Online team since February 2012. His background includes work at MMO publisher NCSoft and Ultima Online developer Origin Systems. 

Given Sage’s long history of working with MMO-focused companies, his arrival at Gearbox is curious. We’ve reached out to both Bethesda and Gearbox for more information. We’ll update should either get back to us.

For more on The Elder Scrolls Online, which just launched on consoles this month, check out our coverage from last week.

Update: Bethesda has confirmed Sage's departure.

[Source: Paul Sage on LinkedIn via Eurogamer]


Our Take
Battleborn is many things, but it doesn’t seem to borrow from MMOs. We suspect that Borderlands 3 is in development, and if Sage is working on that project, it could hint at a broader scope for multiplayer interaction.