reader discussion
by Alissa McAloon on Jun 26, 2015 at 02:00 PM

Batman: Arkham Knight has finally ended The Witcher 3's month-long iron grip on our lives. While many of us are still enjoying Arkham Knight for the first time, but some have started a second playthough already. What about you? Have you been glued to your sofa, muttering "I'm Batman" under your breath or has another game captured your heart and weekend plans?

Ben Hanson (@Yozetty)  This weekend I'm going camping out in Wisconsin so the only game I'll be playing is how heavily I can coat my body in bug-spray and sunscreen. Maybe I'll bring my 3DS for a little bit of Puzz 'n D.

Tim Turi (@TimTuri) – A dilemma has descended upon me. The madness of E3 and moving to a new place and everything is behind me, so I finally have time to play The Witcher 3. Great, right? Well yeah, but now I also have Batman: Arkham Knight. Last night I finally hit a point in Witcher 3 where I’m feeling really invested in the character progression and overarching story, but am also feeling the magnetic pull of Batman. I love tearing around Gotham in the damned Batmobile! So, this weekend will be dominated by this constant conflict, and hopefully I figure out a good way to juggle both games while squeezing in some Splatoon matches and Lego Jurassic World. Wish me luck, because I’m terrible and juggling games.

Jeff Cork (@GIJeff– This is probably a huge shocker, but Batman: Arkham Knight is a fun game. I'm still knee deep in The Witcher 3, but my attention is going to be split between Batman and Geralt for the foreseeable future. No biggie, since I apparently have all the time in the world.

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea)  This weekend is going to be all about Arkham Knight. I’m about 20% on my save file right now, and since I’m going out of town next week, I’m hoping I can get that number considerably higher. When I’m not beating enemies to a bloody pulp and begging the Batmobile to let me out, I’ll be continuing to play the original Borderlands, which I recently started a new file on with my girlfriend. If I find any time outside of those two games, it’ll likely be spent on MLB 15: The Show.

Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner– I’m beginning my second playthrough of Batman: Arkham Knight. I also hope to finish off the Lost World stages in Lego Jurassic World. Broken Age and Tales from the Borderlands are my backups. TV showing watching consists of finishing the first season of Orphan Black, which is fantastic.

Matthew Bertz (@MattBertz) – I’m making steady progress in The Witcher 3, but I may pull out of Novigrad momentarily to play up through the big spoiler in Batman: Arkham Knight so the game isn’t accidentally ruined for me. I’ve also got a steadily building addiction to Fallout Shelter to satiate. 

Christian Belland (@ChrisFightsBear) – I bought Techland's Dying Light on a complete whim a few days ago. I had a zombie craving and I just went for it. I've put about four hours into the game so far and I'm honestly impressed. Dying Light's fun platforming and combat is satisfying that urge for precise gameplay that The Witcher 3 is lacking. I love when impulse buys work out!

Hershall Cook (@HershallCook) – I plan to murder everything that crosses my path in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. I also hope to make a small flash game via Stencyl, a free program that enables users to make games without coding. But mostly Shadow of Mordor.